02 / Configuration

Survivable Branch Appliance

Direct Routing Survivable Branch Appliance Configuration

This chapter gives a configuration example on the Direct Routing Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA) configurations in Microsoft Office 365 via PowerShell. IMPORTANT: Make certain the SBA FQDN can be resolved to the local IP address of the anynode server as soon as the Teams communication is switching over locally. This is necessary as the Teams clients will connect to the anynode SBA server via the FQDN.

Teams Survivable Branch Appliance

Please note that adding new branch appliances might take some time before they can be used in the branch survivability policies. The New-CsTeamsSurvivableBranchAppliance PowerShell cmdlet for the anynode SBA’s are created as shown next. Note that FQDN sba5.lab.anynode.de is just shown as an example for setting up multiple SBA instances. The focus in this document is set to sba4.lab.anynode.de.

PS C:\>New−CsTeamsSurvivableBranchAppliance -Fqdn sba4.lab.anynode.de -Description ”SBA4”
Identity            : sba4.lab.anynode.de
Fqdn                : sba4.lab.anynode.de
Site                :
Description         : SBA4

PS C:\>New−CsTeamsSurvivableBranchAppliance -Fqdn sba5.lab.anynode.de -Description ”SBA5”
Identity            : sba5.lab.anynode.de
Fqdn                : sba5.lab.anynode.de
Site                :
Description         : SBA5



Teams Survivable Branch Appliance Policy

The anynode SBA policy is created via the New-CsTeamsSurvivableBranchAppliancePolicy cmdlet as follows:

PS C:\>


 -Identity SBAgermany
                                                   -BranchApplianceFqdns ”sba4.lab.anynode.de”,
Identity              : Tag:SBAgermany
BranchApplianceFqdns  : { sba4.lab.anynode.de, sba5.lab.anynode.de }


Assigning the Teams Branch Survivable Appliance Policy to Users

Take note that the policy assignment might take a while. Check with the Get-CsOnlineUser cmdlet and the appropriate identities if the policy is set with the TeamsBranchSurvivabilityPolicy attribute. The policy user assignment via the Grant-CsTeamsSurvivableBranchAppliancePolicy PowerShell cmdlet for the anynode SBA is used as follows:


PS C:\>


 -PolicyName SBAgermany
                                                     -Identity user@lab.anynode.de