anynode Basic Training

In this training class, you will get an introduction to the anynode user interface and learn how to use the basic functions such as the wizard-based configuration of nodes, routing, and manipulation.

The knowledge acquired is applied in practical exercises. You will be able to establish working connections between the individual nodes and test changes in the configuration immediately. You will be supported by the extensive analysis and monitoring tools from anynode, which you can also use practically on this occasion.

In some cases, the exercise scenarios will intentionally lead to error messages so that solutions can be worked out with the help of the analysis and monitoring tools. All exercise scenarios are tailored to common configuration tasks in companies.

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  • This chapter contains information about the contents of this anynode Basic course and a short introduction to the long history of TE-SYSTEMS and its software products.
  • Information about the benefits and the user interface of the TE-SYSTEMS Community. In addition, the TE-SYSTEMS Repository Server is presented as a download option for Linux versions.
  • How anynode works as a back-to-back user agent, the main displays and functions in the user interface, advantages of the pure software solution and an introduction to the onion principle.
  • An overview of the training environment of the virtual hosted machines with call number overview, exemplary workstation overview and how the VMs can be accessed.
  • The installation of anynode on the Windows VM, the first start of the frontend with the initial password, an overview of the services, HTTP connector.
  • Special features of the demo license, conversion to a full version using the LOD key and checking the license status using the license display.
  • The important parts of the anynode menu structure in configuration mode and monitor mode. Learn how to use the dashboard and call history.
  • Start of the basic configuration in anynode with a relationship between a provider and an IP-PBX. Wizard-based setup of the provider.
  • Continuation of the basic configuration with a relationship between a provider and an IP PBX. Wizard-based setup of the IP PBX.
  • Adding dial string rewriting rules with the easy-to-use anynode rewrite rule assistant. Rules are added for international calls and for national calls.
  • Analyze SIP signaling with Trace Analyzer: analyze and specify SIP protocol, P-Asserted-Identity header, NAT Traversal, Stun, comfort noise, add G.722 codec.
  • Wizard-assisted adding of a node for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing to the basic configuration and appropriate routing settings
  • Wizard-based adding of a node for the XCAPI in anynode, installation and user interface of the XCAPI and editing of the route table. Using the "XTest" test tool for call tests.
  • Interconnect a customer with an agent using the XTest function "Attended Transfer". License consumption with this function and basis for the chapter Path Replacement.
  • Use the Path Replacement function to smooth 2 paths together so that only one session is left after the transfer: activate the function and specify the settings in the Routing Forwarding Profile.
  • Special features to consider when sending faxes with XCAPI via anynode: Media Passthrough Mode, T.38, setting up an additional fax route and using a dial string directory for routing.
  • Configure anynode with the help of wizard-based condition rules and the change of the active transport connection so that existing calls are not interrupted in the event of a provider route failure.
  • Set up an encrypted Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) connection to the PBX, add certificates, trusted peer certificate, and adjust the security level in anynode.
  • Wizard-based setup of an Azure dial string directory, transfer Azure credentials properly into anynode, and retrieve the list of dial strings with an LDAP connection test.
  • Wizard-based setup of a route to Microsoft Teams based on the Azure Dial String Directory. The route takes effect only when a route is selected that is listed in the directory.
  • For emergency calls, enter the appropriate dial string rewrite rules, and configure the correct routing decisions for them to reach the correct emergency call center. Header manipulation for anonymous calls.